Thursday, March 5, 2020

This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon

This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon Soccer practice at 3p.m., violin lessons at 4:30p.m., Spanish class at 6p.m. Does this schedule seem familiar? Children today have a reputation for being overbooked, with some parents even facing criticism for putting their kids in too many activities. Is there a point when extracurricular activities become too much? Kailaash thought that point came when his parents enrolled him in Kumon at 12 years old. His friends had done well in the program so Kailaash’s parents hoped it would help him in school. Kailaash thought it would have the opposite effect.  He was already booked solid with sports and other activities. When would he have time to complete his homework if he had to do extra work after school? Kailaash was so concerned about the extra work that he figured out a way to avoid it without his Kumon Instructor or parents realizing. He would hide his worksheets in a cupboard at home and tell his Instructor he forgot to bring his work to class. He could only fool the adults for a few classes, however, and eventually his Instructor called his parents to ask why he never brought his homework in. His mom was astounded to find a cupboard filled with Kumon Worksheets, and Kailaash knew the jig was up. After the cupboard incident, Kailaash’s mom sat him down and helped him create a schedule to complete all of his activities. First on the list was Kumon. Once he started getting his Kumon done before anything else, he realized it wasn’t so difficult to complete after all. Creating a routine made it easy to get the work done, and he steadily started seeing improvements in school in addition to Kumon. Kailaash noticed another change once his Kumon routine became second nature; his homework didn’t take nearly as much time. Since math and reading became easier, he could breeze through those subjects, and even his other classes started to make more sense. Kailaash originally dreaded Kumon because he thought it would take him too much time. In the end, it freed up all the extra time he was spending on his homework and gave him more time to pursue his favorite sport, basketball. Kailaash found many similarities between basketball and Kumon. Just as long division became easier the more he practiced, so did free throws. When practicing a new skill in basketball, he’d break it down into parts, as he had learned to do with math problems. With a lot of hard work and practice, he was able to make his school’s team and play the sport competitively. Kumon taught Kailaash that with a little perseverance, anything is possibleâ€"even finding more time in the day. Establishing a routine can have powerful results. In Kailaash’s case, Kumon was the key to balancing school and extracurriculars, and improving in both. You might also be interested in: How One Student Learned to Love the Kumon Program How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon Soccer practice at 3p.m., violin lessons at 4:30p.m., Spanish class at 6p.m. Does this schedule seem familiar? Children today have a reputation for being overbooked, with some parents even facing criticism for putting their kids in too many activities. Is there a point when extracurricular activities become too much? Kailaash thought that point came when his parents enrolled him in Kumon at 12 years old. His friends had done well in the program so Kailaash’s parents hoped it would help him in school. Kailaash thought it would have the opposite effect.  He was already booked solid with sports and other activities. When would he have time to complete his homework if he had to do extra work after school? Kailaash was so concerned about the extra work that he figured out a way to avoid it without his Kumon Instructor or parents realizing. He would hide his worksheets in a cupboard at home and tell his Instructor he forgot to bring his work to class. He could only fool the adults for a few classes, however, and eventually his Instructor called his parents to ask why he never brought his homework in. His mom was astounded to find a cupboard filled with Kumon Worksheets, and Kailaash knew the jig was up. After the cupboard incident, Kailaash’s mom sat him down and helped him create a schedule to complete all of his activities. First on the list was Kumon. Once he started getting his Kumon done before anything else, he realized it wasn’t so difficult to complete after all. Creating a routine made it easy to get the work done, and he steadily started seeing improvements in school in addition to Kumon. Kailaash noticed another change once his Kumon routine became second nature; his homework didn’t take nearly as much time. Since math and reading became easier, he could breeze through those subjects, and even his other classes started to make more sense. Kailaash originally dreaded Kumon because he thought it would take him too much time. In the end, it freed up all the extra time he was spending on his homework and gave him more time to pursue his favorite sport, basketball. Kailaash found many similarities between basketball and Kumon. Just as long division became easier the more he practiced, so did free throws. When practicing a new skill in basketball, he’d break it down into parts, as he had learned to do with math problems. With a lot of hard work and practice, he was able to make his school’s team and play the sport competitively. Kumon taught Kailaash that with a little perseverance, anything is possibleâ€"even finding more time in the day. Establishing a routine can have powerful results. In Kailaash’s case, Kumon was the key to balancing school and extracurriculars, and improving in both. You might also be interested in: How One Student Learned to Love the Kumon Program How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math

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